Solana Money Glitch

First Deflationary Solana Reward Token

Earn Solana rewards every 5 minutes just by holding $SMG tokens

Automatic Solana Rewards

Every 5 minutes, holders receive Solana rewards automatically distributed to their wallets

How It Works

  • > 5% tax collected from every buy/sell
  • > 1% used for auto token burn
  • > 4% tax auto-converted to Solana
  • > Smart contract distributes Solana every 5 mins
  • > Rewards proportional to holdings


  • > Earn passive Solana income
  • > Deflationary token model
  • > Automatic rewards, no claiming
  • > Frequent 5-minute cycles
  • > More volume, more rewards, more token burns

Rewards Calculator

Daily Rewards Pool: $0

Your Daily Earnings: $0

Token Burn Amount: $0

Why Choose $SMG?


5% Tax Distribution

Every transaction fuels the reward pool

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Auto-Claim System

Rewards every 5 minutes, hassle-free


Solana Rewards

Earn Solana by simply holding


Fair Token Launch

100% fair, no pre-sale or team tokens


[ 1B ]


Total Supply



Initial Liquidity






Fair Launch

True Fair Launch Deflation Mechanism

100% of supply added to liquidity at launch. No team tokens, no pre-sale, no wallet limits. 5% tax distributed as Solana rewards to holders and token burn every 5 minutes.